

In August of 2019, researchers from around the world shared about their work being done in the areas of Indigenous and local ecological knowledge, sacred forest groves, customary forest stewardship, policy and co-management and food security and sovereignty. Below are links to the presentations given on these topics at the conference.




Session 1.1: Indigenous Brilliance and Ancestral Knowing

“Wildfire in a dynamic biocultural landscape: A case study of the Williams Lake Community Forest, BC”: Kelsey Copes-Gerbitz

“Non-human Agency and Karen Environmental Relations: Lessons for Collaborative TEK Research”: Andrew Paul

“Keys for sustainable agriculture and forest conservation coexistence: Lessons from traditional Mayan-Tsotsil knowledge”: Celia Diaz and Celina Solis

“Mapuche territories in dispute: the role of the Chilean state and its (mis)understanding of the land”: Jose Arias-Bustamente

“Trouble with trees: more-than-human practices toward creating a ‘medicinal forest garden’”: Laura Dev



Session 1.2: Sacred Groves

“Lectio Silvam: Reading the Forest with N. American Forester-Monks”: Jason Brown

“Socio-cultural and socioeconomic drivers of biodiversity conservation in sacred forests in South-Western Nigeria”: Sam Adeyanju

“Transmission of traditional knowledge for production of non-timber forest products: Explicit knowledge and Geographical Indication”: Ryo Kohsaka

“Restoration and Institutionalizing the Mazvihwa Community Sacred forest. Rambotemwa as a centre for cultivating community resilience and reverence for sacred traditional ecological knowledge”: Emmanuel Howe

“Kho Pho Lu: A sacred space for the protection of Pgaz k’Nyau forest community symbiosis”: Suwichan Phatthanaphraiwan



Session 2.1 Policy and Co-Management

“Institutional analysis for Indigenous people’s participation in ecotourism at the Ci-Lan Major Wildlife Habitat, Taiwan” : Shyue-Cherng Liaw

“Why Anchor Forests? A narrative-based exploration of current and future roles of tribes in collaborative forest management in the western US”: Meredith Jacobson

“Sustainability of traditional village groves (Maeulsoop) in Korea”: Yeo-Chang Youn

“Mangrove forests and coastal residents: understanding the local threats and management efforts in the municipalities of Eastern Samar and Aklan, Philippines”: Jay Mar Quevedo



Session 2.2: Supporting Customary Stewardship

“Using traditional and interdisciplinary knowledge to create a Heiltsuk home”: Stefania Pizzirani and Jaimie Harris

“Indigenous knowledge in sustainable forest resource management: mobilizing Innu concept of E nutshemiu itenitakuat”: Patrice Bellefleur, Louis Belanger, and Jean Michel Beaudoin

“Nanabush and the Reconciliation of Indigenous Values in Canadian Forestry”: Rosanne Van Schie



Session 3: Food Security and Food Sovereignty

“Keys for sustainable agriculture and forest conservation coexistence: 3 Lessons from traditional Mayan-Tsotsil knowledge”: Armando Zúñiga and Celina Solis

“The Forest Over the Oil Sands: Bigstone Cree Nation Food and Ceremony in the Boreal Forest”: Bigstone Cree Nation
Lands Department and Janelle Baker

“Bridging knowledge systems for biodiversity conservation and food security: an Indian Perspective”: Suprava Patnaik

“Why cuisine matters? What culinary traditions have to say on climate change mitigation and forest conservation”: Celina Solis